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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Abbi update & Deer

Abbi had her shots a week ago and she has only gained 2 pounds since she has been born. It takes 45 min. to feed her 2 ounces (very tiring). So anyway, Tuesday mom, dad and Rae took her to see a GI doctor and a muscle doctor to see whats going on. The GI doctor ended up putting Abbi on a feeding tube. The muscle doctor ran several tests. So, we're waiting to hear from them. Today, Abbi is not feeling to good, she having a hard time breathing with that tube plus we think she is getting a cold!! Please keep her in your prayers it's pretty tough seein her sick and having that tube but God is good and we're trusting in him!

Last weekend Matt, Daddy, Uncle Randy, Darryl Smith, and Joe Upton were invited to go hunting with my dad's cousin, Darrell Upton at his hunting club. Boy did they have a good time. Matt said they stayed up most of the night laughin their heads off. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall!!! No telling what they talked about. Anyway, on with the hunting story. Ok Matt has only killed 1 deer since we have been together, 6 whole years!! Well, while I was sleeping so good Saturday morning my phone rang at 7:00...guess who it was..?? Matt!! He was out of breath and breathing so hard!! I couldn't tell if he was hurt, sick, been in a wreck or what!! Well, finally he got it out of his mouth..He SHOT an 8 point! It weight 200 pounds, had a 15 5/8 inside spread and g2's were 10 1/4 inches long. I am so proud of him !! He can't wait to get it mounted and put in his hunting room!! Now he can actually have a deer on the wall bigger than mine.. ha ha Here are a few pictures of Matt's trip!!


Kerry Farmer said...

Hey Jessica!
I;ve been keeping up with your blog. How's your niece? She has been in ou prayers.

Jessica and Matt said...

Thanks Kerry she is really coming around!! That feeding tube has realy helped! Hope everything is going well with u as well!!