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Saturday, April 24, 2010

~Easter 2010~

matt & me
mom, rae abb and me
Abb tired of taking pictures
~All of us~
Jade, Ab & me
~Rae & Justin's wedding~ me and abb
~Mr. & Mrs. Dove~
dad, rae & mom
mom & rae
Reh. dinner~mom, me & dad
me & mom Rae's Shower hosted by: Christy, me & Jen
Wow its been 8 months since I have last posted! That is terrible! Goes to show you how fast time flies by! I guess this rainy weather has slowed us down a little bit. We were able to relax~ something we haven't done in forever! Lets see what is going on....In August I started working at Stokes Beard Elementary School in kindergarten and absolutely LOVE IT!!! The only disappointment is that our summer doesn't start until June 20th! But at least I get a few weeks off right??!! In March my little sister got married. It was hard seeing her walk down the aisle; it still seems like I was driving her to softball practice : ( ! Her and Justin had a beautiful wedding and she looked gorgeous as always! My niece Abbi Rae (you know I have to talk about her she is my LIFE) is getting so big! She is into everything and talking up a storm~! Softball is in full swing~ Matt just started playing softball with the church. Drew is playing also! We love going to watch Drew play, he is a great ball player just like his daddy and Matt! Well that is about it for now. Matt just got home with the pizza and a movie! Here are a few pictures: EnJoY~!

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